Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) is a process used to gain a rapid overview of ecological conditions and constraints, usually within a potential development site. It is also used to identify any further ecological work which might be necessary.
A PEA is typically based on a desk study of the local area and a site walkover survey known as an Extended Phase 1 habitat survey. The results are communicated in a concise report and a habitat map is produced.
A PEA is used to inform the developer and/or the design team of any potential ecological constraints to the development under relevant national and international wildlife legislation, and to recommend potential avoidance, mitigation and compensation measures. It helps navigate the planning system whilst ensuring compliance with the law and planning policy.
Where necessary further surveys will be recommended where they are needed to fully understand the impact of the development on the ecological features present allowing appropriate mitigation to be designed. These are are known as Phase 2 surveys.
Past PEA projects (examples).
Edwardian school renovation (London)
New woodworking facility (East Sussex).
Residential development (Kent)